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Products I Need to Replace
This is so overwhelming. But baby steps, right? First up, I need to replace my laundry detergent. I’ve used Method Ginger Mango for years now and I love the scent. Not overwhelming, slightly sweet. Fresh. Alas, Method Products rate 86% in republican contributions. If you’ve stumbled on this post and considered yourself republican years ago, hi! Me, too. If you stumbled on this post and still consider yourself republican, this isn’t for you. It’s no longer the republican party (and no, autocorrect, I won’t capitalise that). I won’t allow my money to contribute in any way to things like federal agents raiding elementary schools and so here we are. Replacing not only where I buy my laundry detergent but the detergent itself.
It’s so small. So, so small. And I resent spending so much time researching, but what other options are there?
So I found Seventh Generation EasyDose Mango and Mandarin and I’m hoping it will be similar.
Seventh Generation is listed as 100% to Democrat candidates, so check one item there.
Next up? Where to buy. I’m going to try and buy directly from the product’s company when possible, but Seventh Generation only lists Amazon (thumbs down) and the Grove Collaborative as options. Annnnnnd I’ve never heard of the Grove. First look and I can at least feel better than Amazon so there we go.
Here goes nothing.